
TSMC and Micron now face 'red alert' for GPU, CPU, and memory production as water crisis worsens | PC Gamer - wongraycle65

TSMC and Micron right away face 'red alert' for GPU, Central processor, and storage yield as water crisis worsens

TSMCs wafer manufacturing process, in red
(Image credit: TSMC)

Yesterday the Nationalist China government issued its first H2O supply chromatic alert in six years, systematic to counteract the seriously dwindling reserves of the countries central reservoirs. Many areas of the body politic give birth been nonvoluntary to ration out water extensively, including areas that house large wafer manufacturing operations for both Micrometer Technology Inc., and Taiwan Semiconductor device Manufacturing Co. (TSMC).

With the country's water levels track hazardously low, non-industrial users across Taichung and Miaoli County bequeath solitary have access to water for five days each hebdomad, from April 6. Both TSMC and Micron lock out of the affected areas and depend on a stable water system supply for various steps in the wafer manufacturing physical process. TSMC's Hsinchu headquarters have non been subject to promote restrictions heretofore though.

What the restrictions could hateful for the semiconductor unit industriousness is atomic number 3 yet unclear, though information technology does have the potential to exacerbate a host of already captious globular component part shortages. Interruptions at this crossroads would stunt production efforts, affecting companies ilk Intel, AMD, Nvidia, Apple, Kingston, and many more.

TSMC has been lengthwise drills in order to prepare for the worst-case scenario and is preparation to increase its reliance on tankers for water. Last month we saw Tainan go game into orange alaru, prompt TSMC to run emergency maneuvers.

There was no word as to whether these operations were successful but, according to Bloomberg, TSMC claims that "the new restrictions would not affect operations." This reassurance comes from an emailed affirmation, and the article notes that "a Micron representative in Nationalist China declined to comment, saying the company is now in a quiet period."

Thither is hope on the horizon at least, equally the rainy season should get on its way and the water levels should start to see an improvement come early summertime. Fingers decussate the semiconductor industry bathroom stay afloat in the time being.

Katie Wickens

Screw sports, Katie would sooner watch Intel, AMD and Nvidia go at it. She can often be launch loving Bradypus tridactylus advancements, sighing over semiconductors, or gawping at the current GPU upgrades. She's been obsessed with computers and artwork since she was small, and took Game Art and Excogitation up to Masters level at uni. Her thirst for absurd Raspberry Pi projects will never be sated, and she will stop at nothing to spread internet safety cognisance—down with the hackers.


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